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Abstract – Dr. Özcan Asilkan

Keynote Title
How To Realize An Effective Digital Transformation

Are you ready for Digital Transformation? Do you really know where to start, how to proceed and manage the change? There is no longer any doubt about whether the businesses should realize the digital transformation. Any business that wants to survive or increase profitability in today’s highly competitive marketplace must definitely go digital to satisfy the increasing expectations of its customers. The main concern for digital transformation should be how correct and efficient to realize it. 

Performing a right digital transformation is crucial for all organizations. Researches show that most of them fail the transformation when they primarily focus on IT investment. In fact, digital transformation is a complete transition that affects all areas of a business. It must start with a thorough understanding of the philosophy of digitalization and continue with modification of the current business plans to a new digital business model. When done right, it modifies the way organization works along with significant changes. That requires a thorough understanding of change management. Companies doing the digital transformation in the right way will be surviving and becoming more profitable while others will be disappointed. 

This keynote will present the core issues on digital transformation to understand it better and implement successfully.
