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Abstract – Amed Demirhan MLIS

Keynote Title
Research: A Tool for National Development and Innovation In The 21st Century Sciences

Open Educational and Archival Resources provide great opportunities for both institutional and national development. As this conference title suggests, it requires innovative approaches to benefit from these opportunities. We know there are millions of open educational resources and archival resources available online. Additional archival resources could be obtained in the physical locations because the older materials are not copyrighted. Innovative use of physical space With the development of electronic resources, digital transformation, online teaching, and learning, we have to reconsider the use of physical space and the format of the space. One of the best examples is the AUN E-library transformation. It is originally designed as a physical library by converting to e-library 80% of the space could be used for other AUN purposes. An integrated approach with practical applications of the policy could save billions of dollars and increase the effective use of quality resources. This will significantly contribute to the national development of Nigeria.
