Director and Literacy Program Lead
Email: emilienne.akpan@aun.edu.ng
Mobile: 0807 139 3202
VoIP: 2242
Emilienne Idorenyin Akpan is the director of the Writing Center. She has certifications from Cameroon, Nigeria, England, and France. Before joining AUN, she was head of schools for 6 years and taught at the elementary and secondary school levels.
She is currently an instructor of languages teaching freshman composition and French.
At AUN, she has co-edited two publications of the School of Arts & Sciences and has been involved in different projects. Her creative writing in different anthologies, including a slim volume of poetry titled Her African Face, has all been published in her maiden name. She is a member of a few professional associations, and her research interests include writing centre pedagogies, best practices in tutoring,
learning through storytelling, academic integrity, trauma-based instruction, oral histories of displaced populations and semiotics. She has participated in various professional development workshops finds value in student engagements, writes passionately, enjoys reading hard copies of texts, watches historical documentaries, listens to classical music, volunteers when the opportunity arises and loves learning about different cultures.