A recent study by AUN Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmad Mahmoud and three other scholars, states that micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) would enjoy more financial satisfaction if they gained more access to Islamic financing.
The article, "Relative financial deprivation, financial anxiety and financial satisfaction: the role of access to Islamic financing among MSME owners amidst COVID-19", was published by the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research (JIABR), Emerald Publishers and indexed in Scopus Q2. The study further recommended that policy makers and owners of MSMEs should emphasize on access to Islamic financing to foster financial satisfaction.
Adopting a quantitative study approach with data from MSME owners, the study which primarily examined the moderating role of access to Islamic financing relative to financial deprivation/anxiety and financial satisfaction relationships. The study established that a direct relationship between access to Islamic financing and financial satisfaction is positively significant.
The research is a pioneering study on the moderating role of access to Islamic financing on the relative financial deprivation-financial satisfaction and financial anxiety-financial satisfaction relationship of MSMEs. Please use this link to access the article. You can also access Professor Mahmoud’s profile here.