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We provide a variety of residence hall spaces that are designed to enhance the academic experience at AUN. 

  • Aisha Kande – Female Residence Hall
  • Rosaria Volpi - Female Residence Hall
  • Gabrielle Volpi - Male Residence Hall
  • Hall AA - Female Residence Hall
  • Hall BB - Male Residence Hall
  • Hall CC - Female Residence Hall
  • Hall DD - Female Residence Hall
  • Hall EE - Male Residence Hall
  • Hall FF - Male Residence Hall

    These living/learning centers provide comfortable living spaces that encourage academic success, respect for one another, personal growth and responsibility, and a commitment to one’s community. Our halls are supervised 24 hours a day with a trained Resident Director staff and a group of trained Student Residence Assistants who all contribute to the overall development of student residences. The staff is responsible for providing a series of hall activities and programs to enhance the overall living experience at AUN. 

    Room Options

    Based on choice and diverse requirements of students, the following room options have been provided at AUN:

    1. Triple Without Facilities: Simply called 3-in-1 without, this room type accommodates 3 students but has no washroom. This category is only available in the Volpies.
    2. Double Without Facilities: Also called 2-in-1 without, this room type accommodates 2 students but has no bathroom. This is only available in the Volpies.
    3. Triple With Facilities: Commonly referred to as 3-in-1 W/F, this room type has a restroom and is designed for 3 students. These are available in all halls except the Volpies.
    4. Double W/Facilities: Usually called 2-in-1 W/F, this room type has a washroom and is designed for 2 students. These are specifically available in Aisha Kande and the Volpies with a few in EE & FF.

    All students enjoy laundry services in the Residence Halls

    Except for freshmen, all returning students are encouraged to reserve their rooms at the approved times before proceeding for end-of-semester vacation. The rationale for this is hinged on the fact that students graduate every semester at AUN.


    Meal Plan Options:

    The university equally understands the various feeding requirements of its diverse students and has set aside the following meal plans where students can select:

    1. One Meal Plan: Students on this plan can only dine once in a day at the cafeteria or swipe the daily equivalent worth at the various points of sales. The time of the day for which the student accesses the cafeteria is not regulated. The choice could be breakfast, lunch or dinner. The 1 meal plan currently costs N136,850.00 per semester.
    2. Two Meal Plan: Students on this option have chosen to access the cafeteria twice daily. However, the equivalent can be swiped at the various points of sales as students wish. Without regulating the period for which the student dines, students may choose between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner or as the case may be – provided the daily worth is not exceeded. This plan currently costs N248,710.00 per semester.
    3. Three Meal Plan: This plan allows students to eat trice daily at the cafeteria. In similar manner as the other plans, the mealtime(s) at which the student accesses the cafeteria is not regulated. This plan is originally meant to cover breakfast, lunch and dinner but the equivalent rates can be swipes at the various points of sales as students desire. This plan currently costs N339,150.00 per semester.

    Notes: The University restricts daily meal swipes based on meal contract. As explained above, a 1 meal plan does not cover for 2 meals in a day. Consideration is, however, given to Graduate Students who choose to be on a meal plan.

    Each meal plan begins on the first day of orientation and lasts through to the day that residence halls close in line with the academic calendar.

    At the moment, having a meal contract is a prerequisite for all students living on campus - except if waived by the Dean of Student Affairs or the appropriate University Official empowered in this regard.



American University of Nigeria
98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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