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Social Media Watch: Class of 2017 Valedictorian Immaculata Onuigbo Twinkles at Ohio State University

Social Media Watch: Class of 2017 Valedictorian Immaculata Onuigbo Twinkles at Ohio State University

Ms. Immaculata Onuigbo, AUN Class of 2017 Best Graduating Student, is representing this University brilliantly at Ohio State University in the United States. Ms. Immaculata was chosen, along with a top faculty, to host an international webinar for international students interested in studying chemistry at the university on October 7, 2022.

The product of AUN's Petroleum Chemistry program is now a graduate student at Ohio, and she was joined for the presentation by two of her colleagues. Immaculata is currently working on her doctorate in chemistry at the Ohio University. Ms. Immaculata, a former AUN female footballer, worked part-time as an assistant to Professor Wan Jin Jahng, testing the application of biodegradable organic molecules in renewable energy technologies, before joining top investment and finance firm, Afrinvest, where she worked for three years.

Reported by Halima Muhammad



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