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Haunted House, Be Afraid, Happy Hunting!

Haunted House, Be Afraid, Happy Hunting!

On Friday, October 28, 2022, the Films & Trips Committee of CAB hosted another exciting event titled "HAUNTED HOUSE". The event took place at the Student Activities Hub building, opposite the GTB football field and adjacent to the Admin II building. If the goal of a 'Haunted House' was to scare people, it was largely achieved that evening, judging from the screams and roaring laughter you could hear coming from the audience of students inside the hall. The hall was set up with different scary statues, dim lights, and loud spooky music to scare and entertain students. Some students volunteered to wear scary masks and costumes and move around the hall creepily to scare the guests. It was all in the name of Halloween fun. I approached some students who had just finished and exited the event. Ibrahim Yusuf, a second-year Information systems major, told me "The event for me was more 'funny' than 'scary', but it was well planned and fun"

Aisha Tanimu, a final-year English literature major, said "It was well planned, and I liked it very much." The chair of Films & Trips, Gyemrot Gomwalk, a 3rd-year law major, and her Co-chair Oluwafeyiduntan third-year business major, were stationed at the entrance to let people into the hall in batches, informing people of the few rules of the event and to control crowds. After experiencing the haunted house for myself, I would describe it as very amusing and the most entertaining event of the whole weekend.

Reported by Isioma Enwerem, Software Engineering senior, Work-study, Marketing and Communications Department



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