On Thursday, October 27, 2022, the Films & Trips Committee of CAB hosted a GAME NIGHT event, which kick-started the Halloween events that would take place over the next three days. The Game Night was held at the Students Hub building, directly opposite the GTB football field on campus and adjacent to the Admin II building. The hall was decorated with different games to entertain students, Munch it biscuits and soda drinks was served as light refreshments. The games provided for entertainment were Jenga, Monopoly, Twister, and Puzzles.
I briefly spoke to Gyemrot Gomwalk, a 3rd-year law major, and the chair of the Films & Trips Committee of CAB, she told me that the event was a success, due to the number of people who showed up. I approached a table where people were playing monopoly and spoke to Medugu Keziah, a first-year CMD major, who did not have much to say, only describing the game night as "fun!". Israel Curtis, a first-year Law major, who was focused on a game of monopoly he was playing with Medugu, said "I'm enjoying myself, I mean I'm winning at monopoly right now, so who wouldn't be having fun". It was a fun night and a good way to kick-start the mid-term break and the rest of the weekend events.
Reported by Isioma Enwerem, Software Engineering senior, Work-study, Marketing and Communications Department