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AUN GEEP close-out ceremony highlights its transformative impact on girls' education

AUN GEEP close-out ceremony highlights its transformative impact on girls' education

On March 28, 2024, the close-out ceremony of the Girls Education Empowerment Project (GEEP) was held at the Government Girls Secondary School Sanda in Yola Town. It was a moment of mixed emotions for the beneficiaries as they bid farewell to the project that had transformed their lives.

Amidst applause and cheers, the AUN President spoke with passion and purpose, recounting the journey of GEEP from a modest initiative to a transformative program that impacted the lives of the beneficiaries. He lauded the beneficiaries for their dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment.  While encouraging them to appreciate those who made GEEP possible such as their mentors, teachers, and parents, he told them the way forward is to understand themselves. “As we navigate our academic journey together, it is important to embrace the concept of individual differences in performance. Just like the bubbles do not come out the same when you blow them, we all cannot be the same. Each one of us brings a unique set of Strengths, weaknesses, and experience and that’s what will make us rich and diverse on the outside,”

Salisu Farida, an SS3 student of the school who is also a beneficiary of the project, expressed her gratitude to the AUN President, teachers, and AUN students who tutored and mentored them during the GEEP program. “We want to extend our gratitude to you all for your dedication, support, and guidance. This program has been a transformative experience in shaping our journey to reach a new height.”

The Education Secretary of Yola South, Mr. Abba Adamu Mustapha Bawuro emphasized that education is the key to unlocking the full potential of every girl, and by investing in their future, a brighter tomorrow for all is certain. He thanked the AUN president for his contributions in making GEEP impactful.

Mubarak Simoh, one of the mentors, a computer science major at AUN, expressed his fulfillment in being able to impact the lives of the students. "Witnessing the students eager to learn and able to grasp a concept they were struggling with fills my heart with incredible joy," he said.

It could be remembered that the GEEP project was launched in October 2023, with an initial contribution of one thousand dollars from the AUN President, DeWayne Frazier. Over 75 girls benefited from the project.

Reported by Pwagreno Blessing Moris



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Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
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