Interim President Attahir B. Yusuf
Dear New Students,
I am delighted to welcome you to our Spring 2021 semester. We have high hopes for the year 2021. When I think of Spring, I am filled with great optimism for a new beginning. It is the time of year when trees sprout new leaves, flowers blossom and we enjoy more daylight. Our learning community is filled with this same fresh burst of energy. I am excited for you too as you explore this beautiful new experience of life at university. This is the beginning of many firsts for you. New friendships, new mentors, and new memories to last a lifetime.
Just last year, we were challenged beyond our wildest imaginations. The Coronavirus pandemic cast a gloomy shadow over many aspects of our lives yet, we stood firm. Instead of wallowing in the many setbacks of the pandemic, we developed new ways to satisfy our intellectual needs. We adapted to new modes of interaction and let go of cherished physical gatherings. We are proud of the fact that since opening in 2005, AUN has never suspended operations or had to disrupt a semester. Our technological prowess was at full strength when we transitioned from a residential campus to hybrid-online modes of instruction.
Despite our triumphs, we must never lose our guard. COVID-19 is still a dangerous threat. That is why we must all wear face masks to protect our community. Hand sanitizing stations have been placed strategically across campus. There is a COVID-19 task force always watching. So be careful to avoid breaking the rules.
Our family is growing. I am excited to meet our first-year students, the classes of 2021 (Masters) 2024 (Doctoral), and 2025 (Engineering students). As you join this elite scholarly community, you will find eager helpers all around campus. I remember my own first days as an undergraduate, learning a curriculum not so different from AUN’s. Here at AUN, we pride ourselves on our American-style education just as we give credence to our Nigerian traditions.
Development, entrepreneurship, research, and innovation, are the bedrock of our scholarly pursuits. They form the basis of our belief and guiding principle for academic excellence, integrity, and service. As a university, we believe in providing solutions to real problems in society. Our host community will testify that our experiments have often been conducted in local markets, schools, and town halls. We do not just theorize in the air-conditioned comforts of our classrooms. We roll up our sleeves and do the work. New students, you will soon experience the thrills of serving in the community and the rewards of giving without any expectation of receiving in return.
To my dear students, parents, faculty, and staff, I welcome you all to the semester of endless possibilities. The Spring of new knowledge and solutions. Welcome to Spring 2021
Go Stallions!
Attahir B. Yusuf, Ph.D. Interim President